Project Description

Barrel Room and Multipurpose Storage Shed – 10.4m x 18.5m –  GUNDAROO NSW

For more information on price, email

The Barrel Room!

Canberra has a thriving wine region and Gundog Estate is one of the best currently doing it (they make a cracking Canberra riesling). For us, that means more fun projects like this one,  which was more of a custom job. It is a great example of what is possible outside of the standard shed. This barrel room shed needed to both present well but also be functional. Highlights include 

  • Enseam Architectural cladding from the Lysaght zenith range (here) gives this shed a premium look, over and above your “standard” shed cladding. 
  • Amplelite polycarbonate sheeting on each of the side and end walls (here). These options were intelligently selected, with the north-facing wall opting for a heat-reducing skylight called solafrost, while the other three walls used the more standard UV-reduced solasafe polycarbonate skylights. This gives ample light, but reduces the actual heat influx into the building. 
  • Econoclad insulated panel roofing from bondor (here). As the barrel room must be temperature regulated this thermal roofing option was the obvious choice. This product is certainly more expensive than traditional colorbond roofing but it is a very higher performer when it comes to insulation, and it retains the sleek look and low maintenance of the colorbond external skin finish.  
  • Extra high and wide roller door access. We utilised custom roller doors on this job to ensure easy access for forklifts. 
  • Purpose-built unloading bay, with three sides open and high clearance, we ensure that there was space for loading/unloading of products out of the weather. 

All in all, we are very proud of this shed as it blends good looks and function for another great small business in the Canberra region. Sheds like these can even be exempt from any approval at all.

Head over to our approvals page here to see how you can build a shed up to 200 sqm on rurally zoned land in NSW with no approval at all.

As always, our Ranbuild sheds are premium engineered to the highest Australian Standard and include nothing but Australian Bluescope & Colorbond Steel!

What’s included:

Material supply, construction, approval management, downpipe and stormwater works, earthworks, and project management.

Let’s talk:


Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Weekends By Appointment


2/48 Hoskins St, Mitchell ACT 2911