Project Description

Garage – 8.7m x 6.2m – HOLDER

For information on price, please email

Showcasing the flexibility of different shed and garage builds for your property. For this project, we at First Sheds were tasked with the design and construction of a garage built diagonally adjacent to the main residential building. We were also tasked with supervising the project management for the building process from start to finish.

Providing immediate utility and access to the structure was a priority for this project. We then proceeded with building the structure itself which involved the installation of a motorised roller door, a  PA door, Vermaseal coating as well as colorbond finishes for claddings, gutters, and downpipes. 

We handled everything in-house; all materials used are 100% Colorbond and Bluescope steel.

Material supply, construction, downpipe and stormwater works, earthworks, and project management.

Let’s talk:


Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Weekends By Appointment


2/48 Hoskins St, Mitchell ACT 2911