Project Description

Standard Shed – 6m x 8m – DOWNER

For more information on price, email

An interesting Canberra shed building project for us here at First Sheds primarily for its solar engineering. As per usual, we have laid out all the groundwork for the shed itself including the project management and the approval processing. We started with doing the earthworks and making sure the ground was prepared for the pouring of concrete and initial slab work.

As for the structure itself, it includes a motorized roller door, a PA door, a glass sliding door, and vermaseal application. Its main electrical works were solar-engineered. All materials with a colorbond finish as well guaranteed to be 100% Bluescope and Colorbond steel.

What’s included:

Material supply, construction, solar engineering, electrical, earthworks, downpipe connections, and project management.

The price of the project is dependent on the number of earthworks to be completed, whether services need to be run (plumbing, stormwater, and electrical), and the exact dimensions and details of the shed.

Let’s talk:


Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m
Weekends By Appointment


2/48 Hoskins St, Mitchell ACT 2911